No border security, record high inflation, energy prices sky high, incoming recession, abysmal pullout from Afghanistan, Woke military, jab mandates for military, massive supply chain problems, NK firing off missiles, Covid shutdown, small businesses destroyed, unlimited money sent to Ukraine, 2 tier justice system, diminishing oil reserve to send to other countries, Fentanyl crisis, Defund the Police, uncontrollable crime rates, Groomers still allowed to prey on children, gender reassignment surgeries for kids, parents are domestic terrorists, 88k new IRS agents, Laughing stock of the world, & installed Potus cannot remember 5 minutes ago to name a few. We are supposed to think last nights election was legitimate?
73% of voters went to cast their vote stating they are unhappy with how the country is currently running and we wake up to find the same BS we saw in 2020? Most key races are showing Demonrats winning, fraud everywhere, & media is giddy on TV. What was supposed to be a red wave has turned into R's possibly gaining control of the house.
The time to wake up people is over. 5 years of redpilling has got us to this point only to be ridiculed by the masses. If they are happy with the world they live in, let them stay asleep and have a rude awakening when this country is taken back by the plan or the people ready to rise up and take by force. Enough is enough, people will not wait for the plan as mandatory vaccines are forced on all children to attend schools, parents are arrested for "wrong think", every R audited by IRS next year, etc. Something better happen before next term of Congress or we are lost as a nation forever. A lot of us thought this election would be rigged, just like 2020, but 2 elections in a row with no accountability will cause people to not vote any longer, lose faith, cower to tyranny, etc. I will keep faith strong and keep praying for a sign of things to change.
Two words: Judeo-Freemasons