there are no free elections. Your birth certificate # is your serial #. You are traded on the stock market. You will never be free. Prove me wrong.
Sorry but I've been hearing two more weeks two more weeks for the last 6 years. Last night's election was egregious in the same old states. When will it ever end? I guess according to my quips above, it will be never until they annihilate all of us. And they're certainly on their way, aren't they?
The people who know they won should take the People who put them in office along with the "law enforcement" who are upright and take their positions. Kick the imposters out on their asses. KICK THEM OUT.
It's because humans have been trained for a couple thousand years that they are weak and need a savior. They truly believe this shit so it's always and forever "just patiently wait". Meanwhile they let the shit humans who gave them this lie continue to eat their children.
If humanity dies it's not from lack of help. It's lack of will. They don't care so fuck em.
Glad someone gets it.
What is in a name ... birth (berth?) certificate? The fact you are in this life, certifies you were born. No piece of paper can certify that, only your living being does that.
The thing is though, it could certify to whom you were born, when and where. And it has never been about that fact, but what can be done with it, namely to convert it into an equity document, instead of an allod.
Allod, the word comes from the German language. It is still there in the dictionary consisting of two words: all and od. All is what it is: the whole, all encompassing as in all powerful, all knowing, all wise. Od however is a word denoting land. it currently survives in the form of öde. The word: allod was incorporated into Latin as allodium, a replacement for the legal term: mere proprium: real estate. It is actually dog Latin. Germans tried to reintroduce it as allodialis during the 20th century, but failed. But this is just plain stupid as the noun itself still exists.
I found a Dutch law book of the 18th century having this word: allodiality in it. However, after 1795, with the demise of the Republic of the 7 provinces, that whole idea was erased. A new system, under de tutalage of the British Empire was introduced, while keeping a lot of the Code Napoleon. Right now, no Dutch legal thought is geared towards allod titles, instead, all Dutch are referred to as "ingeseytene", a term from the middle ages, meaning: taxable, slave, serf, indentured, without possession. It denotes something that is being sat upon, like a saddle, a sort of untouchable, like in India, the people from the gutter. And truth be told, there is no such thing as possession there: all possessions, especially real estate are typically rented from the government.
The name babies receive is now registered as a pro-noun. A pronoun is a word referring to a fact, or noun without being a fact or noun. And the family name has been changed into a noun. This way, the people of The Netherlands have been switched and baited into their public law corporation, called the "ingezetene", citizen, subject etc. It acts as a sort of transmission utility by means of which they can be sued and sued, are taxable and pay taxes, have access to government services and have real estate.
So, the living man has only access to the property he acquired by the sweat of his brow, through a utility owned by the state, the domus, ruling within a dominion. Taxes are paid to the "fiscus".
As you can see, in each country there is a system of enslavement that is just a little different depending on the type of jurisdiction. In Spain, people pay tribute, denoting their subjection to the mon-arch.
It seems to me, two systems are at opposing ends. The one expressed through the Latin, which is slavery. The other expressed through the German: which is free.
Now, you can start wondering why the English language incorporates so much Latin, that hardly a thought can be expressed without resorting to it, and why our nations are infested with lawyers.
The Vatican
The banksters own the world. The Jesuits control all elections and Presidents are selected, never elected.
Sometimes things play out in a time frame that we don’t realize or appreciate in the moment. It’s easier to doom. GAW remains high energy. Keep your chin up and cock out- this above all infuriates the NPC’s and leftists.
Oh don't worry, I won't give up. I'm just getting angrier LOL
Guess I'm a little behind the eight ball lol
Good luck with those thoughts.