I decided to compare the Lauren Boeberts 2020 vote totals versus her current 2022 totals and the numbers are startling. How did Boebert lose 74,688 votes in 2 years? also the Dem votes also dropped by 44,701. Thats over 118,000 missing votes in the district... was turn out down or were votes not counted?
https://www.cpr.org/2020/11/04/colorado-election-results-lauren-boebert-diane-mitsch-bush-cd3/ U.S. House - District 3 ✅ Lauren Boebert 51.39% 220,634 Diane E. Mitsch Bush 45.22% 194,122 John Ryan Keil 2.4% 10,298 Critter Milton 0.99% 4,265
Adam Frisch Dem 149,421 votes 50.6% Lauren Boebert GOP 145,946 votes 49.4%
93 percent reporting
Interesting, I thought she was gerrymandered
I finally found a side by side comparison and the change is subtly different between the two. It appears then that redistricting is playing a role