posted ago by AngryDwarfPaladin ago by AngryDwarfPaladin +10 / -1

It's fun seeing different digital soldiers bring out their contributions at different times during this battle

now - you see the encouragers come out

Good stuff

thought I was having this morning with C

So - i don't know about you but...

during the last week, i've seen the hardcore "Trump will save us!" crowd flood into the boards.

the ones expecting a white knight on a horse to save their day for them

and I know a lot of them IRL too

point being...

there are still a lot of people suckling on the teet of someone doing the work for them and saving their butts for them.

Like a teenager that needs to learn how to fend for themselves

you need to kick them out of hte house at some point

because they can't do it for themselves - you must force them out

Enter - the midterms

Going on the boards today - and also scowering my own feelings for an analysis of the range this could be affecting different people

you come up with the results of "discouragement and defeatism is in the air"

with that - you come across a lot of "F- Trump" responses

he wasn't the white knight at the time these baby chicks were expecting him to be

What does that do?

It starts the ball rolling - it gets people to break themselves from the "Trump will save us for us" mentality

Imagine if Trump DID ride in and save everyone - with that mentality right now?

The results would NEVER last.

Our generation wouldn't have the WW2 generation's lasting affects that were passed on to the next generation.

so I sort of think we're at that part of the story

and i also think - it's going o get worse here before it gets better

also -

Trump has lately said that "we're all going to be very happy very soon" - apparently he's announcing something next tuesday

and going back to my point about the trumpism

ther'es been a lot of speculation this last week since - that he's going to announce that the military is going in and saving the day and all that jazz

i don't think that's it at all

I think he's going to announce that he's running for pres


Look at that with game theory eyes again

knowing the disappointment and residual "F Trump" sentiments I pointed out from teh midterms

if there's remaining hope that Trump is going to ride in and save the day next Tuesday with his announcement - when it turns out he's only announceing he's running for pres

that further pushes the buttons of the people who are in the process of seperating their dependancy on trump

they're going to be like "LOL - so you're not announcing the steal is caught and mil is goign in??" "You're telling me your'e running and I should vote for you??" " L O L"

And the separation is further driven


This could be good

and this could be bad

could be bad - because the RINOS would love nothing more for this to be a lasting thing

so - that's a moment of caution, for sure.

it's said that RINOS are pushign for a wedge between Desantis and trump

the demoralization of the midterm steals could have very well been part of that plot - aided by the rinos themselves

moves and countermoves

woven together