12 I find it interesting that all the "big name" anons are all reassuring everyone. But who really won last night? The American people or Republicans? posted 2 years ago by KimJung-Un 2 years ago by KimJung-Un +16 / -4 Food for thought. 9 comments share 9 comments share save hide report block hide replies
The swamp comes in two forms, open commie democrats, and closet republicans who are really just democrats crossdressing as republicans...
Good question man, I wish I knew the answer.
I think these guys like Clandestine, X22, Major Patriots etc are all 3 letter agency fags.
You're not alone. I'm wondering are these guys Mossad ?
Clandestine is Jewish. You can bet you ass he's Mossad. He was on info wars as well. What are the odds lol
Anyone eluding to inside information is….. well you know. FOS
they have to continue the bullshit to 2024...they have to carry you through. At this point, they are controlled ops.