I've been seeing the 11:11 for years now on clocks and other places, and I've read about others who have too. Friday is Veterans day and it's also 11/11. For me it was always a "pay attention" sign. Now we are told of a big announcement on the 15 th. The prophets are saying there will be a Biblical event very soon and nothing can stop God. He see's all and has put everyone in place for this time. We are here for a reason, and God and Jesus has always said fear not. So I'm not afraid and I trust God's plan. Q said trust the plan. Please do that and stop spreading fear for the bad guys. Fear not for if God is for us, who can be against us. Amen
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I've been seeing 11 11 mostly on the time. I haven't notice any others.
After I responded to your post, I created a post of my own, but it got deleted by the moderator for being "low information"...but that's cool...most of the responses I got were along the lines of "go buy a new tin foil hat".
There are tons of videos and internet pages explaining that, one thing about seeing 11:11 means a new beginning is right around the corner and to pay attention. Since BIG change is something we are all expecting and believing in...I was anticipating a more robust response to my post. Disappointing, but I believe we are (instead it being 'right around the corner'), we are in the middle of the intersection...in a good way, of course.
Keep your powder dry Flutterby49....some amazing things are headed our way.