Someone forced a flip phone on me when I was dealing with my ailing parents and I've had it for years. Never even ran out the minutes I first put on it. I was just carrying a boat anchor around with me. Never gave the number out to anyone -- it was just for emergencies. Even after my parents passed, I never used it. Finally my ultra-cheap plan was done away with by the provider. Phone is dead in the water now. Thank goodness! One less thing to cart around.
Someone forced a flip phone on me when I was dealing with my ailing parents and I've had it for years. Never even ran out the minutes I first put on it. I was just carrying a boat anchor around with me. Never gave the number out to anyone -- it was just for emergencies. Even after my parents passed, I never used it. Finally my ultra-cheap plan was done away with by the provider. Phone is dead in the water now. Thank goodness! One less thing to cart around.