posted ago by Tradox ago by Tradox +36 / -2

This is all personal opinion:

It is my contention that all MAGA/Conservative candidates had the same or similar crushing results as DeSantis. Allow me to explain please.

The Deep State as we know has a heavy hand interfering with all election results creating close or stolen elections. The chaos created with Lake, Boebert, Oz, Walker, etc... is by design.

Well then, if they can hurt an opposing candidate they can also boost one. What if the DS looked at DeSantis and decided if they do not interfere with his election results he could come out looking like a major opposing force to Trump? Maybe they even boosted his numbers to give him superhero results.

Its all about bringing down Trump.

Is it not strange that the (exit) polling in Florida is from what I've seen the most accurate this go around? What if the polling around the US was all relatively accurate, but the election fraud wrecked the "actual" results reported?

In conclusion, DeSantis did extremely well, but so did others. This is also by design to create havoc on the right and most of all to bring Trump down a few notches.