Obama, Clinton, Pence with flies on head
The explanations of the pictures are as follows:
1.President Barack Obama swats at a fly buzzing around his head as he delivers remarks on the Affordable Care Act and the New Patients Bill of Rights (June 22, 2010) https://www.npr.org/sections/thetwo-way/2010/06/22/128014699/the-buzz-around-obama
2.During the second presidential debate between Hillary Clinton and Donald Trump, a fly briefly landed on the Democratic nominee’s face while she was speaking. (2016) https://www.cbsnews.com/news/that-time-a-fly-landed-on-hillary-clintons-face-during-a-presidential-debate/
3.During Wednesday night’s debate, a large fly landed on Vice President Mike Pence’s head and rested there. (Oct, 7, 2020) https://www.nytimes.com/2020/10/07/us/politics/the-fly-pence-head.html
Yes also Beelzebub : Beel or Baal and Zebub or flies. I.e. Lord of Flies.
Also I read somewhere it could come from the child sacrifice. As one can imagine the pit where they threw kids into to burn and die would get nasty and attract a lot of flies.