Oil is not fossil fuel. It is generated deep under ground by either bacteria or a type of fungus. Oil fields that were considered empty in the late 70s are now at 100% capacity. The fact is that oil is renewable.
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My favorite theory is that of Vladimir Larin. He posits an Earth core that started out as metallic hydrides from the planetary condensation (good but long rationale). Over time, and with heat (probably radioactive elements), the hydrides separate back into metal and hydrogen. The metal expands because it is not as compressible as the hydride, and the hydrogen migrates upward through the core material, mantle, and crust. Along the way, it scavenges by reduction oxygen (water), nitrogen (ammonia), sulfur (H2S), carbon (any and all hydrocarbons), and so forth, to deposit them finally on the surface of the crust, or just below. So, we have an explanation for earth expansion (not continental drift, and pretty much complete by now) and the perpetual springs and outgassing of hydrogenous compounds. https://www.amazon.com/Hydridic-Earth-Geology-Primordially-Hydrogen/dp/0969450621 J. Marvin Herndon has a similar theory, different initial conditions, but same results.
This dude is def building a death ray xD j/k
It rolled out as YAL-1A and successfully engaged a boosting ballistic missile on 11 February 2010. Obama scrapped it several years later.