posted ago by DCGRITS ago by DCGRITS +173 / -1

The jest of the story…..So my husband fell yesterday and split open his forehead. Taken to hospital. First they wouldn’t let me back there, said he was being triaged by Doctor and I could go back later. That’s never happened, I was always allowed back with him. (He went in by ambulance about 2 months ago so this is new protocol) Second he told me afterwards the first thing they did was ask if he’d had the Covid vax, and how many. He lied (he was afraid) and said he had the first two (he has not). They then kept asking him which one he took. He said he didn’t remember. He got stitched up and released, but this whole hospital thing has warped into some weird crap and I’m betting they are getting tons coming in and have a new protocols due to it all being vaxxed related.