BioClandestine: "Trump straight up admitted the beef is fake. . . This not only proves the DeSantis fight was fake, it adds further validity to prior 'beefs' that we thought to be theater. Like Sessions, Rosenstein, even Mueller, etc. . . Trump is engaged in high-level game theory."

Shapiro was always a shill and he was always openly anti trump. He was really bitchy about it in 2016. Just like glen beck.
He isnt a turncoat - hes openly anti trumper from the start so just a long time douche bag neo con possibly controlled media. Not sure why people started trusting them again. Like alex jones. No point following anyone but the major players.
Ive never liked candace personally - i find her to be too overly polished (kari lake - gives me that feel but ill reserve judgement) I couldnt care less what theyve done and im not surprised one way or the other. I trust no media. I trust no one.