I’m struggling to come up with a plausible, coherent, logical, and reasonable explanation this is occurring where they aren’t busy cheating their asses off. And if one is going to embarrass themselves where the cheat fails but it drags on an extra 7 to 10 days, I can’t see why you’d go thru this. In for a penny, in for a pound. Just as well rig it to win than rig it and fail.
TLDR; I hope I am wrong but I suspect that the shit show hasn’t even started yet. When the rig comes back for Hobbs, there will be fireworks. I don’t want it to be this way. But every other explanation comes up short.
Unpopular take: This sounds like cope.
I’m struggling to come up with a plausible, coherent, logical, and reasonable explanation this is occurring where they aren’t busy cheating their asses off. And if one is going to embarrass themselves where the cheat fails but it drags on an extra 7 to 10 days, I can’t see why you’d go thru this. In for a penny, in for a pound. Just as well rig it to win than rig it and fail.
TLDR; I hope I am wrong but I suspect that the shit show hasn’t even started yet. When the rig comes back for Hobbs, there will be fireworks. I don’t want it to be this way. But every other explanation comes up short.