The win, to me is clearly that more and more of the GOP elite's chosen are being dumped in favor of MAGA/Trump Replublicans. Eventually there will be no RINOs left electable. This Nation will tread water until very effectively with a majority MAGA controlled House and can fend off the big with an evenly divided Senate should we not end up with control of it as well. I am not privy to details of the plan(s), but I suspect there are contingencies upon contingencies for any and all of them. Moves and countermoves plotted by the best of both "black and white" hats with likely sell-swords in both camps at this point. This swamp is world-wide with the USA as the final piece to get to submit to "their" authority.
Last and worst case scenario is that we end up in a kinetic civil war along lines I can only assume would look much like the red/blue voting district maps. I know I will be in the middle of a blue zone should that come to pass... at least until I figure a way out to a friendlier to my views area. Luckily those red areas are available in all directions and I know most of the routes pretty well. Anybody in the the US that does not speak English is likely to end up locked up or dead pretty quickly.
The win, to me is clearly that more and more of the GOP elite's chosen are being dumped in favor of MAGA/Trump Replublicans. Eventually there will be no RINOs left electable. This Nation will tread water until very effectively with a majority MAGA controlled House and can fend off the big with an evenly divided Senate should we not end up with control of it as well. I am not privy to details of the plan(s), but I suspect there are contingencies upon contingencies for any and all of them. Moves and countermoves plotted by the best of both "black and white" hats with likely sell-swords in both camps at this point. This swamp is world-wide with the USA as the final piece to get to submit to "their" authority.
Last and worst case scenario is that we end up in a kinetic civil war along lines I can only assume would look much like the red/blue voting district maps. I know I will be in the middle of a blue zone should that come to pass... at least until I figure a way out to a friendlier to my views area. Luckily those red areas are available in all directions and I know most of the routes pretty well. Anybody in the the US that does not speak English is likely to end up locked up or dead pretty quickly.