This video is kind of a mess... The guy is really not explaining anything well enough to understand what's going on at all.
First of all, he says they counted the ballots by hand, then ran them through the machine and got a lower number, so there are missing ballots? If the machine spits out lower number, we need to know a lower number of what? Is the machine detecting fewer pieces of paper, or are there ballots with undervotes (not selecting a candidate for a race) so that vote totals don't match number of ballots? Without knowing what we're comparing it's hard to draw any real conclusion.
Second, the bit about them looking for ballots doesn't make any sense. If they got a lower number from the machine count all the ballots should still be physically present. But then he goes on about how they're missing. Like does he think the machine shredded them? Or they got packed up and mailed to the other town? What? The man said he was physically there watching them do this hand count and machine check so that whole bit of the story seems shady.
If you put a stack of 300 ballots in a tabulator and get a result of 200, that would trigger some kind of checking process. If it's a simple matter of the machine giving us a wrong count, you would know that because the stack is still 300. This sounds more like some kind of human error - a miscount, or mixing up a stack of ballots or something.
Third, the guy is really imprecise with terminology. He starts by saying they did the count of 'votes' then switches to missing 'ballots'. Those are different things! Then he says they find the missing ballots, they 'showed up' in some other township, but when he relays what that township told him he only mentions that their reported results from poll books and counting matched. It's all too vague and imprecise to make me feel like he has any idea what he's talking about.
It honestly sounds a lot like some weird human error/mix up that this guy saw, misunderstood, and then completely botched the storytelling on, but it's impossible to tell. A 4-minute news hit from someone who watched something they didn't understand is just not enough to go on here. If this was an actual thing, can't the reporter call the actual town officials and get the count report to see what discrepancy was?
It's a good thing this was just 5 minutes long or I wouldn't have had the patience.
Yes, this guy's not a professional, so his language is imprecise. It sounds like he was a precinct official. He had 350 people vote in his precinct. He hand counts the ballots. He inserts them into the machine to tabulate the votes. It records 275 ballots. 75 did not get counted. When he switches between votes and ballots, I think he just means ballots because he didn't mention for whom any of those ballots were cast. That kind of data could be all over the place. I don't think he really cares either. But in a small, rural SD county, he has 350 voters come in and the machine only recorded the votes of 275 of them. Which ones? He didn't say and likely doesn't know. Does it change the outcome? Maybe. It's an unacceptably large error though.
Skepticism is a good thing. The gentleman needs to report his findings to the SD Sec. of State for them to sort out.
A few elections ago I did some poll work and was getting trained on the machines and the guy ran through a list of things that could result in errors. If you don't know what you're doing, you could cause errors like this easily.
This video is kind of a mess... The guy is really not explaining anything well enough to understand what's going on at all.
First of all, he says they counted the ballots by hand, then ran them through the machine and got a lower number, so there are missing ballots? If the machine spits out lower number, we need to know a lower number of what? Is the machine detecting fewer pieces of paper, or are there ballots with undervotes (not selecting a candidate for a race) so that vote totals don't match number of ballots? Without knowing what we're comparing it's hard to draw any real conclusion.
Second, the bit about them looking for ballots doesn't make any sense. If they got a lower number from the machine count all the ballots should still be physically present. But then he goes on about how they're missing. Like does he think the machine shredded them? Or they got packed up and mailed to the other town? What? The man said he was physically there watching them do this hand count and machine check so that whole bit of the story seems shady.
If you put a stack of 300 ballots in a tabulator and get a result of 200, that would trigger some kind of checking process. If it's a simple matter of the machine giving us a wrong count, you would know that because the stack is still 300. This sounds more like some kind of human error - a miscount, or mixing up a stack of ballots or something.
Third, the guy is really imprecise with terminology. He starts by saying they did the count of 'votes' then switches to missing 'ballots'. Those are different things! Then he says they find the missing ballots, they 'showed up' in some other township, but when he relays what that township told him he only mentions that their reported results from poll books and counting matched. It's all too vague and imprecise to make me feel like he has any idea what he's talking about.
It honestly sounds a lot like some weird human error/mix up that this guy saw, misunderstood, and then completely botched the storytelling on, but it's impossible to tell. A 4-minute news hit from someone who watched something they didn't understand is just not enough to go on here. If this was an actual thing, can't the reporter call the actual town officials and get the count report to see what discrepancy was?
It's a good thing this was just 5 minutes long or I wouldn't have had the patience.
Yes, this guy's not a professional, so his language is imprecise. It sounds like he was a precinct official. He had 350 people vote in his precinct. He hand counts the ballots. He inserts them into the machine to tabulate the votes. It records 275 ballots. 75 did not get counted. When he switches between votes and ballots, I think he just means ballots because he didn't mention for whom any of those ballots were cast. That kind of data could be all over the place. I don't think he really cares either. But in a small, rural SD county, he has 350 voters come in and the machine only recorded the votes of 275 of them. Which ones? He didn't say and likely doesn't know. Does it change the outcome? Maybe. It's an unacceptably large error though.
Skepticism is a good thing. The gentleman needs to report his findings to the SD Sec. of State for them to sort out.
Yeah, why is his first move to call pillow guy?
A few elections ago I did some poll work and was getting trained on the machines and the guy ran through a list of things that could result in errors. If you don't know what you're doing, you could cause errors like this easily.