So where do we go from here? We all waited, in 2 week intervals, for this moment in time and they did the same damn thing as last time. There is not much talk from Republican leadership which means they are in on it. Was the actual plan to let republicans win juuuuuust enough seats in the house while knowing there are enough rinos that there really isn’t a house majority?
We know there is fraud, we have the numbers. What happens next ?
We go to the same place we should’ve been going before all this happened. Straight to Jesus! He is the way, the truth, and the life… Without Christ in our lives, we are boats without a rudder. Yes life sucks sometimes, but you have two choices… Either pressed into the Lord, and Live with knowing he is the winner no matter what, or distance yourself from him and feel complete and utter discouragement, disbelief, and demoralization.
Find a Bible believing church, read your Bible every day… One psalm, and one proverb. Contemplate on those things that you read each day. Join a women’s, or a men’s Bible study. Our only hope is in the Lord. Not in this world! Yes Q has begun an awakening, and Trump was called to do what he can for our country. But in the end it all comes down to we the people - and our faith in Christ!
The true great awakening doesn’t occur till the second coming. Unpopular opinion!