Question: Am I missing something? Difference of 29,291 votes left to be counted? Unless there were more ballots cast than voters? 100% reported?
🧐 More This Data Please! 🤓

Do... Do you really think everyone who fills out a ballot fills out every part of the ballot? Notice how the totals between the Senate race and the Governor race are different. Also, all precincts reporting does not mean all votes have been reported.
I would find it hard to believe that people wouldn't vote for a governor. People that lack political knowledge about our government system would be more apt to vote for their red/blue governor than house, senator, judges etc...
People with some or more political knowledge aren't going to not vote, especially in the house/ senate and gov races.
What a different conception you have from me. What about the millions of proudly non-partisan Americans? Sure, if you don't like any of the candidates there is always write-in voting, but that joke runs out after a few elections. Skipping voting in a race where you like none of the candidates is a valid alternative to the write-in.