MEGAMAGAULTRA 1 point ago +1 / -0

Yeah that was a smart move on her part.

I was just reading that Ford loses 100k-150k on every EV they sell.

I swear Ford is doing everything it can to kill itself

MEGAMAGAULTRA 2 points ago +2 / -0

I just realized this was from 7 days ago. I'm confused to lol

MEGAMAGAULTRA 1 point ago +1 / -0

Bingo! Our entire education system is designed to suck any self preservation, creativity, and drive out of students, to create perfect worker bee molds of people who's sole purpose is to work for the elite.

It's honestly heart breaking. I've talked to older folks, who say they'll never retire because they wouldn't even know what to do with themselves. In their 70-80 years, they haven't found any hobbies/ interests/ purposes that they want to pursue in their free time. What a wasted life. 80 years... and haven't developed anything worthwhile.

To them Socialization = only happens at work

Interested in = work related or main stream things.

Purpose = working as a slave

And to your point about being indebted, covid was a perfect example. Be a doctor. Have 250,000 in debt from college. Work for a doctor group. Get told push vaccine or be fired. Now they're in a corner, what other job could ever pay back their debt?

The whole system is a crime against humanity in its current iteration.

MEGAMAGAULTRA 41 points ago +41 / -0

Just like how zelensky shows up to the u.s. government in his cargo pants and tshirt but went to Israel in a full on suit.

MEGAMAGAULTRA 3 points ago +3 / -0

It's technically worse than that. 13%.

Remove the 55+ older crowd since they're probably not out committing crimes at that point. Then remove the young out of that equation. Then remove most of the women out of that equation since men are more likely to commit violent crime and you're left with like 5-6% who do 70% of all crime.

MEGAMAGAULTRA 8 points ago +8 / -0

She absolutely nails it lol

MEGAMAGAULTRA 12 points ago +12 / -0

The 2nd amendment is the last line of freedom any where on earth against the government

MEGAMAGAULTRA 1 point ago +1 / -0

Which then he'd still be accurate in saying 8 "on the roof" since the casings could have ejected out the window into the roof lol

MEGAMAGAULTRA 2 points ago +2 / -0

Democrats. Only 2 times you don't need verification is when you vote for them or give them money.

MEGAMAGAULTRA 3 points ago +3 / -0

Glad to have the context, kept seeing this posted trying to prove police brutality. I figured they had good reason

MEGAMAGAULTRA 2 points ago +3 / -1

You can literally here the RRRREEEEEEEEEE coming from Sweden lol.

I like that they say the sanctions aren't working but then turn around and say Russias economy is bad..... so wait are they then insinuating that they are working? Lol

Anyone with a brain knew the sanctions weren't going to work and they've only made Russia more self- reliant and self- dependent which has only made them stronger. Unlike our approach of outsourcing everything making us dependent on everyone else.

MEGAMAGAULTRA 11 points ago +11 / -0


MEGAMAGAULTRA 1 point ago +1 / -0

It's creepy to me that everyone immediately smiled and started clapping like they were on a game show and they didn't have a choice.

MEGAMAGAULTRA 2 points ago +2 / -0

They truly are. Putin has made the distinction time and time again between our government and our people, which I greatly appreciate.

Putin and his handling and response to Ukraine has staved off a kinetic ww3 as far as I'm concerned.

MEGAMAGAULTRA 3 points ago +3 / -0

Lol. I'd say majority of everyone does. Just looking into someone's apple/ Google photos/ drives would uncover so much leverage.

Hell companies trust Google, Microsoft and Amazon to hold on to their businesses critical information.

I'm with you though. I declouded my life years ago.

MEGAMAGAULTRA 4 points ago +4 / -0

My favorite thing right now, is them taking another wildly unpopular candidate and pushing them as being "popular".

Omg look at this poll!!!! It's neck and neck!!! (No it's not)

Omg look how much money she raised!!!! (Just don't ask where it came from)

Omg everyone's excited about kamala (they asked 4 die hard Democrat party members).

They're literally polishing shit

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