I’m pretty sure I got a bad case of stones. I became so nauseous that I’ve had cold chills, headache, trouble breathing. I feel it in my side when I stretch or take deep breaths. I’m still urinating it’s a bit dark but not bloody. I hate feeling like this. It’s so miserable.
If you know any home remedies please share. I don’t have health insurance so the ER or home care are my only options. Walmart across the street.
If the stone is too large to pass, you could end up with sepsis and die without treatment. Check your temp for fever and check blood pressure because if your blood pressure drops that might mean you have a serious infection and will need antibiotics. If I were you, I'd go to ER if this causes fever that won't go away. Otherwise drink tons of water and pee a lot and hopefully it'll come out. It sucks you don't have insurance but if this gets serious then you will need medical intervention.