Morale Booster: It is always darkest before the dawn
- N C S W I C -
I know how things look on the surface, but for some reason im full of hope. We are seeing a paradigm shift of late myself. A lot has happened that the election coverage has nissed.
- Evelyn de Rothschild is dead
- SBF and FTX shown to be corrupt and slush funds for the election (violating numerous laws). Dont forget the mil planes that went to the bahamas. They said police caught SBF, but i wonder if it was MP forces
- the sleepers qere activated all at once over the "desantis trump spat" which looks a lot like kabuki to me or is trump outing a plant. They have thrown the whole lot into the fray and we know the hidden enemy within well now.
- michael burry buying prison stocks like it is going out of fashion. That guy is autism squared when it comes to finances, and he knows something is coming.
- then there is trump himself saying tomorrow will be one of the hallmarks of history with his speak. A bit late in the evening for me to catch but i look forward to the fallout of the tactical nuke i expect in this new age of warfare.
- NG called out in numerous states, all of which had issues in the election. Odd isn't it that where the military is watching hardest, everything goes wrong?
- the red wave was so real that many states are still calculating votes to prevent the inevitable. The fraud is now so blatant it boggles my mind.
- space force shuttle landed, ending a major mission.
- immediately after that, military activity went wild and then dark.
Given all this, i doubt the election we just had will be able to stand up to pressure coming in hot. I see the dawn coming frens. I hope the first rays pf the brilliant sun will rise tomorrow on america, but we will see. The piece to me look set at last. Now, get your popcorn frens.
We were promised that nothing can stop what is coming. I still believe. In the end, God wins. Never forget that.
*Evelyn.... Not Lynn, is dead...
But still super good
Edited. Thanks fren
Well…it’s pretty fucking dark right now.
I'm holding onto my seat until tomorrow!