So 2 more years huh? This country will be twice as fucked as it is now by then. It'll be alot worse than what was given to him when he took office the first time. He did a good job but dam it's gonna have to be one hell of a comeback to even remotely gain any positive momentum from the 2024 run. I believe he will do it but to the normal.person and typical msm it's gonna look like he didn't do shit but fix some gas prices.
Now this announcement has to mean something here I believe. Like WTF has all this shit given to us since 2017 meant..was the storm the red wave? Because we haven't seen one yet. If the military is the only way it's not happening anything soon. If they didn't interject with all the fucked up shit happening over the last 2 elections with COVID and all that, it ain't happening at all. Trump will be POTUS again and regain the mil for himself then do something with them. That must be what it means when we hear the mil is the only way.
This also means that Trump has not been the president in exile that some of us were led to believe. Nor will he be speaker of the house to take back POTUS in that form. In fact because of this announcement, unless by some huge tactic he's trying by announcing 2024, there is a shit ton left on the table that we all thought would happen that will never happen now. I mean never say never but realistically at this point it's like we're just waiting. Again....and again....and again...2 years...again. Now as it seems the only storm that will be happening is the shit he lets off when he retakes the WH. This also means another thing .The Dems have 2 years to think of something else or some other way to cheat him out of that one .and if that happens well protest again so thousands more ppl can sit in jail as well until God knows when. At this point for me, the Q shits over. Gotta quit the hopium cold turkey at least for the next 2 years. Back to reporting all the other countries great news stories but our own until then. Didn't mean to shill if it came off that way . This is rant. You will probly see more of these and there are probly plenty of us in silence be aysecthey are mad. I'm sure we'll get over it and be back in full force in no time. I mean what's another day of getting fucked compared to the rest?
No you are not alone, there are a lot of sock-puppets in here tonight who are going to agree with you. Lol
They are working overtime tonight.