So, while places like Florida and Texas continue to thrive and succeed, under the leadership of Republicans/Conservatives...
Places like California, NY, Illinois, run by incompetent Democrats/lefties, will continue their downward crapfest spiral....the normies will realize in their blue, crime ridden states, that their pronouns won't mean much while they stand hours in line for bread/basic health care.
It sure looked to me like Trump was trying to pass the torch to DeSantis when we were expecting his best impression of Gen. George Patton. When you say we need to feel more pain, that's a red herring. Everyone knows the Dems stole both elections. You'd think he'd at least mention Kari Lake or Doug Mastriano and introduce the general in charge of Space Force Cyber Command to the audience to say the election was stolen and they have the proof. The cheer would have been audible over the entire country if not the world. That was not the biggest announcement in the history of the country as his Truth posting said. It was the weakest, most tired stump speech I ever heard him give. He sounded like he took a couple valium before stepping on stage. We his soldiers needed some red meat tonight and got nothing.