Could get Democrats, RINOS, the media, the bullshit artists like Candace Owens and Ben Shapiro, the Canadians like Jordan Peterson (whom I love) and Crowder to show their hands and give him their biggest shot and he took it like a Champ! We all felt it. They blew their load. Shot their shot. And Trump knew ALL ALONG that they would do that and he planned all along to make his speech after.
Now, we won the House! And if you Google election results 2022 it shows R’s have 49 and D’s 48 and there is the Georgia runoff. The attacks have been potent and nonstop but if you gain your senses, we now run the House with a huge election to root for! Plus Trump will now have TWO YEARS to be on prime time TV making fun of Biden and calling people out! A whole new generation will fall in love with him.
It’s their worst nightmare. It’s like roaches who scurry in the light. They HATE to be called out. Trump is in the twilight of his life. He’s done and seen it all. He has nothing left to lose. He will call them all out. They won’t be able to walk down the street.
Promise made, promises unkept!
Call me a shill, or even a doomer idc! Trump is playing a huge dangerous game with all of our lives. He is not God and I'm tired of seeing him as a savior.
Frankly telling me to trust the plan or even God (which I do) means nothing more than the fact that Trump and the WH no more control than the organic change that the people themselves make. Two more years allows US to find ourselves and somehow turn the Titantic.
Some of you may recall that the people in Egypt were in slavery for 400 years, the slaves in America, over 200 and those in the depths of Hitler's genocide over ten. Millions have died waiting on God's timing.
I am losing hope that ANYONE will prevent us from sinking that low. Let's just say I am expecting that only God will save us and it's gonna take more years and therefore more deaths then I am prepared to accept. It's time we honestly look at stopping the show rather than watching the movie and passively eating popcorn. We are God's hand and feet and unless we do something we're screwed because as much as I like Trump I definitely think he is playing politics and I'm getting more angry at him by the day!