Ok anons... The version of the plan in your head, once again did not play out. Its always a dangerous game to play. Hence my earlier, and unfortunately misspelled, meme.
Now that you've dried your tears, got a good cry in, lets step back to a 40,000ft level and do what we do best... [Just teasing, love you guys, no homo] Analyze last night and interpret its meaning.
Everyone noticed Trump's demeanor last night. Another mod called it 'somber'. I think that is accurate. But why? Why would someone who is choosing to do something they want to do, something as big as running for president, someone who is ultra high energy on a random Tuesday, why would he be somber?
He seemed distracted as well. As though he had something big on his mind. He even made a few gaffes, which he rarely does ("I've had decades of peace")
What if he knew they were kicking off the next part of the plan, and it was going to be difficult. Not for him, but for the people he loves.
The Storm. The Precipice.
Would he be anything BUT somber?
Read that drop as many times as you need to and be honest with yourself about where we are on the timeline.
I agree with you. I was dooming last night until I realized something similar to what you've pointed out. A big, dirty, difficult job is ahead for Trump and it ain't something anyone would look forward to. I also was wondering if the speech contained any coded 'GO' signals that far more talented anons could decipher. Ok then, had my hissy fit and my doom session... let's get back to work and take this country BACK!
It wouldn't have a "GO" so much, but the Go was in there. Trump saying he'll run for 2024 was likely the "GO" code. We know he gave it because Artemis 1 launched to the Moon. It'll be back on 12/11. It would've been scrubbed again.
Q posted #4947 links to a space launch.
Trump's "campaign launched".
Campaign has double meanings.
Military campaign... election campaign...
Same day the republicans reach 218 (the House).
The Astros won the World Series in Game 6 in the 6th inning on 11.5. They come from Houston and fans wear Orange and scream "WE want the H". Houston is also the Bayou city. Bayou is another way to say swamp.
On 11.6 a new Q post with a missing h in "withhold".
11.7 Houston has a big parade where someone throws a beer can at Ted Cruz. Fans continue to hold up signs that read things like "We got the H!"
11.8 Midterms.
8 days later on 11.15 (100 days after the FBI raided MAL on 8/8) Trump announces he will launch his 2024 campaign.
Republicans get the House.
Now type [h] Into this...
Definitely some go comms were noted. Its not my strong suit, but let me tag in u/SemperSupra. I know he had some solid thoughts.