Ok anons... The version of the plan in your head, once again did not play out. Its always a dangerous game to play. Hence my earlier, and unfortunately misspelled, meme.
Now that you've dried your tears, got a good cry in, lets step back to a 40,000ft level and do what we do best... [Just teasing, love you guys, no homo] Analyze last night and interpret its meaning.
Everyone noticed Trump's demeanor last night. Another mod called it 'somber'. I think that is accurate. But why? Why would someone who is choosing to do something they want to do, something as big as running for president, someone who is ultra high energy on a random Tuesday, why would he be somber?
He seemed distracted as well. As though he had something big on his mind. He even made a few gaffes, which he rarely does ("I've had decades of peace")
What if he knew they were kicking off the next part of the plan, and it was going to be difficult. Not for him, but for the people he loves.
The Storm. The Precipice.
Would he be anything BUT somber?
Read that drop as many times as you need to and be honest with yourself about where we are on the timeline.
President Trump is also facing personal tests. He hasn't left us and that's making some of his own leave him. Knowing you're winning doesn't make strained relationships any easier.