The Simon Lectures. Series I, Part 7.
Originally published on, 2022 November 16.
This is Part 7 of Series I of The Simon Lectures.
Part 6 can be found here:
Part 5 can be found here:
Part 4 can be found here:
Part 3 can be found here:
Part 2 can be found here:
Part 1 can be found here:
To recap: (1) in Part 1, we determined that the United States federal government is insolvent, and that all of our assets bear illusory valuations, in that they’re all overvalued; (2) in Part 2 we observed (i) that the United States Dollar is backed by nothing other than the “full faith and credit” of an insolvent federal government, and (ii) that we have compelled use of the dollar by imposition of the petrodollar arrangement, thereby creating synthetic demand for the dollar in order to keep it artificially strong; (3) in Part 3 we concluded that the artificially strong dollar has decimated the U.S. manufacturing sector, but has fueled the stratospheric growth of Wall Street; (4) in Part 4 we determined (i) that Obama initiated a regimen of economic sabotage of this country; (ii) that expansion of our money supply is part of that regime; (iii) that the expanded money supply is being used by Wall Street to acquire business concerns on a global basis; and (iv) that the remainder of the world cannot “opt out” of all of this because they need our dollars to purchase OPEC oil; (5) in Part 5 we concluded that our national debt is destructively large, that there are no available spending “levers” to pull to solve the problem, and that our leaders are, instead, reconstituting the citizenry of the country in response to the situation, and that this is societally observed as the Southern Border Crisis; and (6) in Part 6, we learned that (i) our country is financing debt with debt; (ii) the debt cycle, itself, is being seeded with printed money; (iii) we are in constructive default on our debt; and (iv) Wall Street knows this.
I recently published “The Simon Lectures. A Departure and a Preface.” Its publication was interposed between the respective publications of Part 6 and this Part 7, but on the surface has little to do with either. It prefaces what is to come in future Series, but does not necessarily suggest the interconnections among and between the Series. I promise they’re all related. The goal of The Lectures is to locate the truth about matters leading to our state of affairs, whether or not these matters reside in economic spheres. The Lectures will venture far outside of economic realms. If you haven’t already, please read it. “A Departure and a Preface” can be found here:
I am not in the habit of retreading old ground. But our launching pad for this Part is found in Part 6. So let’s venture back. The critical revelations of Part 6 are these: that we are financing 100% of our debt service payments with the issuance of debt (Treasurys); and, since the installation of the Biden regime, the ultimate buyer of about one-half of our Treasurys is the Federal Reserve – using money it simply printed into existence. One-half of our debt service payments is not only borrowed, it is printed: we literally print money and lend it to ourselves (laundered through Wall Street banks that serve as an intermediate “landing spot” for the Treasurys before the Federal Reserve buys them, in order to provide the very thinnest veneer of legitimacy).
We are in constructive default on our debt. I have said that previously in Part 6, but it deserves further explanation. We are, in fact, making debt service payments. So we are not in open default. But we are making our debt service payments in a way that destabilizes the financial condition of the country and guarantees that at some point we will openly default. We can neither borrow legitimate money indefinitely, nor can we create money at the Federal Reserve indefinitely – so at some point this reaches an end, and we transition into open default. If open default is the inevitable future consequence of our present-tense course, then we are in constructive default today. We are not making meaningful payments. And Wall Street knows this. The elite knows this: our payments are neither meaningful nor legitimate. We are not really paying our bills.
What would happen if you stopped paying your bills? At first you’d just get more bills. Then bills with late fees added on. Then calls from collection agencies. But what if you ignored them all? What would happen? Your creditors would force you into involuntary bankruptcy – that’s what would happen. And if your finances were hopeless, you’d end up in Chapter 7, whereupon the court would order liquidation of your assets, and your debt would be wiped clean. I’m skipping several steps here and oversimplifying, but that’s the big picture. For our purposes, none of the steps and details I’ve omitted matter. But one particular skipped step does: repossession. If you are in default on any secured debt, the property securing that debt would be repossessed by the secured party. If you are in default on your mortgage, the bank takes your house. If you are in default on your car payment, the financing company takes your car. And so on. In short, the party that provided you with the moola to purchase your house or car or boat or other long-term durable good repossesses that good. Which, as the thinking goes, is only fair because that party essentially paid for the good to begin with.
May I pose a question? Given what you know of the collective psyche of Wall Street, do you suppose it might be the case that Wall Street, seeing itself as the provider of the moola that has financed our country and much of the West, considers itself entitled to be a secured party? Let’s put legal niceties aside – security interest filings and so on. We know those aren’t literally in place. But do you think Wall Street considers itself entitled to a security interest in our country and the West more broadly? Let’s set this topic aside, in order to return to in momentarily.
If I have been nothing else, I have been direct. So permit me to continue in that vein. I have said – several times now – that we are in constructive default on our debt, and that this will lead to inevitable open default. I’ve also said – again, several times now – that this means some sort of collapse will occur: collapse of our currency, collapse of our debt or collapse of our government.
(As a side note, as far as I can see, there are actually two other potential options: collapse of our social structure and collapse of our world order – i.e., World War III. I’ll touch on these topics later. The points to be made here are these: (1) our government can select which of the collapses comes to pass, at least it hopes it can; (2) looking around our world, you can observe our “dress rehearsals” for most of these collapse options – Central Bank Digital Currency (CBDC) is the product of our government’s contemplation of the collapse of our currency; certain Republicans are “floating” demolition of Social Security and Medicare/Medicaid, i.e., which, together with our Southern Border Crisis, is really a contemplation of the collapse our social structure; we are hell-bent on the realistic prospect of a nuclear confrontation as a dress rehearsal for a contemplated collapse of our world order; and so on; and (3) a particular path forward has not yet been selected, but our government is contemplating all of them, and they are all seismic.)
I want you to consider the following potential scenario. Consider that, in the not too distant future, our government introduces a CBDC, with the pretext being that a CBDC offers citizens a direct “draw” on the Federal Reserve, as opposed to your current situation in which your debit card offers you a digital claim on “bank money.” Your debit card puts you at risk: your bank is subject to a bank run, and you can lose everything up to your FDIC insured limit. So, theoretically, a CBDC is your savior – you’d be subject to no counterparty risk: there can be no “run” on the Federal Reserve. So that’s step one of this potential scenario, introduction of a CBDC.
Next would come step two. It would go like this: for cryptographic mumbo-jumbo reasons, it will be “impossible” to comingle our existing United States Dollar (USD) with our CBDC. They will not be alternate expressions of the same thing. They will be distinct currencies, but simultaneously honored within the United States. When you go to the store to buy a case of beer, it will be priced both in USD and CBDC – and you’ll be able to pay with either currency. Right now, you should be thinking of a situation similar to the introduction of the Euro – goods were priced, for a time, both in Francs and Euros, Deutschmarks and Euros, Lira and Euros, and so on. Now consider that if and when you see that here, the fix is on: we will orchestrate a controlled demolition of our USD, paying off all of our debt that is denominated in USD (not CBDC), with worthless dollars. And we will move forward with CBDC as our new currency. You can think of this as our “Great Currency and Debt Reset.”
Or you can think of this as our functional equivalent of Chapter 7 Bankruptcy. Most of our collapse options are really the functional equivalent of Chapter 7. And what did I say happens in Chapter 7? The slate is wiped clean, and… what? What else happens? Repossession. Secured parties repossess the various properties covered by their security interests.
Folks, may I ask you to call to mind Part 4? It’s linked above, if you’ve forgotten its details. In Part 4, we learned that if we examine the period that begins in 2008 and extends to present-day, we see that Wall Street players such as BlackRock and Vanguard have accumulated 90% of their assets under management. In other words, as soon as we began paying our debt service payments with funny money – even in the slightest proportion – Wall Street began accumulating assets under management at a steep pace. They began buying every business venture around the world.
Why do you suppose that’s the case? It’s because Wall Street knows Chapter 7 is coming. Any collapse option is the functional equivalent of Chapter 7. And Wall Street is repossessing while it can. We are witnessing history’s largest project of repossession. Wall Street is repossessing the entire Western World before we enter into Chapter 7. You are watching Chapter 7 proceedings being executed in reverse order on a worldwide basis. It’s as simple as that. And our government is printing the money and supplying it to Wall Street so they can execute upon their repossession scheme.
The part of the Great Reset where all business will be owned by global elites? That’s unfolding now. And most of the participants don’t intend to cooperate in this as co-conspirators. They are participating as soon-to-be-jilted creditors that are repossessing the only assets that will have value in the wake of our global Chapter 7 filing: enterprises that operate on an oligarchic scale. Because financial instruments will have no value in the wake of our Chapter 7.
There is much more to say. But I will conclude Part 7 here.
The takeaway from Part 7 is: Wall Street is executing a worldwide project of repossession that amounts to a reverse-sequenced Chapter 7 proceeding, and when this has run its course, the first “leg” of the Great Reset will be complete.
Stay tuned for Part 8.
Or don’t. It’s your decision.
Ever yours, simon_says
So the country has one foot in the grave and the other on our necks.
I guess the only question is how can we protect against something that we have no control over? If I continue to pay my mortgage on time, and this quasi chapter 7 takes place, there's no guarantee my house won't just be taken anyway. If vanguard owns 75% of all mortgage companies, and shit hits the fan, I could be left with nothing.
So is gold and silver the only way out?
Land. Also businesses that are inherently local and not effectively subject to scaled operations. ...More on our options later.
I'm very interested to hear on how we prepare financially. This gets me thinking of building local freedom/finance communities and bartering as much as possible and silver coins for everything else. "When" is the question, as we would be seen as weird/alarmist/conspiracy theorist now. At what point/milestone do we form such an Amish community?