Nothing makes any sense... 💊 RAW UNCUT HOPIUM 💊
posted ago by sleepydude ago by sleepydude +49 / -0

It's chaotic, we don't know who is a good guy and who is a bad guy. It's like midnight during a new moon, and we can't see who's moving around in the shadows.

Which leads me to believe that we're nearing the Storm. The Information War is fully upon us, at the very least. It feels like the Storm isn't moving at all.. WE are. We're moving into the Storm, and so the pace we set is what determines it's ETA...

Here's what I've gathered. Special thanks to Clif High's latest recording.

It appears to me as though Clif's assessment is correct; Trump just feigned an attack on the DeepState. What's more is that he's gonna continue to do so, probably indefinitely. This is gonna piss a lot of Patriots off, but it's pissing off the DeepState even more. He mustered our trust as far as it will go, and now he's relying our trust to outlast the paranoia of the DeepState. It makes sense we feel exploited by him right now... That's why it was so important to gain our trust to begin with.

We are in a race of Our Trust vs Their Paranoia.

Faith vs. Fear.

Look at what's going on right now. The Midterms are "wrapping up", fraud was rampant such that they didn't even bother hiding it this go around, and FTX imploding is showing just how they paid for it.

I wholeheartedly believe that FTX is bigger than the public can possibly comprehend, as it ties together their entire money laundering and election theft scheme, going back centuries even, and substantially has enough meat to it to bring down the columns of the temple, Sampson style.

They prepped all their cannons for Trump's "big announcement" yesterday.

  • Ukraine set up a False Flag trying to net Poland into the scuffle, and NATO along with it.
  • Bush and Obama fired up a "beware the disinformation" campaign as soon a Trump set his announcement date up.
  • Hit pieces on "Qanon" all came out at once.
  • PAYtriots and RINOs all started to plant flags in the ground.
  • Hunter Biden had an extremely rare AMA for seemingly no reason.
  • Biden goes to G20 dressed as Dr. Mao Evilfinger and calls a "lid" as soon as Trump's announcement commences.

These "happenings" are all connected.

I don't believe all these movements were done in vain. There's probably countless more we're missing. I believe they were all calibrated to fire with Trump's announcement of the "Storm is upon us" on Tuesday. That didn't happen, as we disparagingly have seen.

I believe they anticipated it would; that there was a significant fear their people would be getting arrested right now. What's happening with FTX is like a husband coming home early, turning on the lights to the bedroom on, and seeing his wife in bed with a stranger.

They anticipated Trump would strike at their heart. They have been building up a response for this exact scenario. Instead of going in guns blazing, however, Trump did an unexpected thing. He stood down. He saw them going at it with the FTX circle jerk, pretended not to see them, and just headed towards the shower.

They didn't expect this reaction to FTX debacle from Trump. I think they thought he was gonna show he knew it was going on all along, and that the jig is up; that it was time for THOSE words "My fellow Americans..."

My heart stopped a beat when he said that. for the record...

They prepped all this ammunition for Tuesday; paid off all their usual spin doctors, tasked Ukraine to start some shit with Poland and blame it on Russia, fired up the "Qanons are the boogeyman" hit pieces, shipped Pelosi off to Africa, had Biden duck and cover overseas, prepped a Desantis vs Trump tribal war, and got Hunter Biden back on the scene to seemingly? take the full blame for FTX's connection to the Biden family and make the case Joe had nothing to do with it.

That's what I see them having set up.

They cannot fathom Trump's patience and willingness to risk support from his base...

None of the above happened...

And I think Trump's spat with DeSantis was the Temporal Marker sent out to true Patriots and White Hats that the game plan is to "ignore" it all; first to pre-empt their Republican Civil War. Doing so gets ahead of their tribal bait show of Trump vs DeSantis and Red October's their Republican Division torpedo while also sending out the signal to enact Plan: "ignore their temper tantrum until they run out of steam."

Yup. Just ignore it all. It's so retarded it's actually elegant, unlike Fetterneck.

Just go 100% business as usual, don't respond to any of the artillery strikes trying to scare us out of the fox holes, and set the next action plan for the latest date possible -- 2024.

The Cabal is blowing their load right now. They figured "THIS IS IT!"

Or at the very least, they believed it possible...

Now we are in a very interesting situation.

WHEN will the real strike come from Trump and Friends?

The Standoff Begins.

We got ourselves a Mexican Standoff. And they aren't sure if Trump unloaded their gun like in The Good, The Bad, and The Ugly.


I bet even Trump doesn't know what they'll do next. He actually doesn't need to. Instead of pursuing FTX and yelling "I told you so, take a look at the emperor with no clothes!" he's just sitting there twiddling his thumbs, waiting for them to finish whatever shittery they have planned.

He's not playing into their no-win, "IF I GO DOWN, WE ALL DIE" routine.

I can sense the frustration in every article right now. I can sense an anxiety so severe that it's bleeding into GAW and PDW such that we think it's OUR anxiety.

It's not. It's the pent-up aggression of a Cabal whose eyes are darting around erratically trying to figure out what to do next. They're so paranoid because Trump did LESS than nothing Tuesday. The goalposts moved so far down the timeline that even they have no idea what to do with their tumultuously gained freedom. It's like if your opponent in chess just sat there and ran out the clock for his turn.

How often does someone just run out their turn in chess? Is it a valid play?

I envision Trump just sitting there letting the clock run out, arms folded with no expression on his face. Just a blank stare forward. No tells, and no emotion. Just an unbearable, silent judgement.

Judgement Day

Their final card is and always has been Biden using Emergency Powers, as in a State of War, to take control of the Presidency and cancel all future elections until that State of War ceases. At the very least, it's their last ditch effort to prevent Trump from sneaking his way back into the President seat before 2024, either by Devolution, Military Corrections, SCOTUS rulings, or as House Speaker and Impeachment.

That's THEIR "trump card."

Nuclear War, and the WW3 they are cooking up in Ukraine with this latest Polish Missile Strike was a False Flag set up especially for that end. I think they really thought Trump might announce he was Commander in Chief this entire time and attempt a coup. Poppin a missile off was prep work to get the ball rolling. They always have a backup plan to roll such False Flags back, and so they did...

Make no mistake, Trump cannot avoid a Nuclear WW3 should he make the first move.

Which means he has to let them make the first move...

We're back to a game of chicken.

It is THEIR card to play Nuclear War (U1 2.0), Alien Invasion (Project Bluebeam), or a Civil War 2 (Electric Boogaloo). They'll probably play all three simultaneously...

But they can only effectively play that card in reaction to FULL DECLASS. If they make the first move, they can't control the narrative. They'd be forced to blame themselves.

I know, I know, like they'd care at this point...

But you gotta think about the international ripple effect. Russia and China are in cahoots right now. They're not eager to let a nuclear warhead go off any more than Trump is. THEY'd have to take the blame, which means THEY would also have to act first.

The Good guys can't make the first move. A simultaneous play, is the closest we can get to acting before the enemy.

Trump is the Good, the DeepState is the Bad, and BRICS is the Ugly.

So long as Trump keeps the Football that Putin handed him, like unloading Tuco's gun, he'll be in control.

We have to be patient. We have to prove our loyalty. This is THE War no one wanted, but was as inevitable as the passage of time...

That's what I see going on. I hope I got it across without sounding too much like a hopium overdosed fool...