Mouth breathing is generally not a good thing. When air is inhaled through the nose, it combines with nitric oxide which contributes to healthier blood pressure and dilation of the arteries that carry the oxygen to the tissues. Just thought I throw that out there.....
What is TIB, please? Yes, nasal breathing is so beneficial. At my age, I still have good control at night, interestingly enough. Great idea with the tape method! I see so many using oxygen who are mouth-breathing. One would think that the medical snakes would instruct people, call it to their attention but they seem oblivious.
Mouth breathing is generally not a good thing. When air is inhaled through the nose, it combines with nitric oxide which contributes to healthier blood pressure and dilation of the arteries that carry the oxygen to the tissues. Just thought I throw that out there.....
What is TIB, please? Yes, nasal breathing is so beneficial. At my age, I still have good control at night, interestingly enough. Great idea with the tape method! I see so many using oxygen who are mouth-breathing. One would think that the medical snakes would instruct people, call it to their attention but they seem oblivious.