510 South 3rd Ave is listed as the address for the Maricopa Tabulation and Election Center (MCTEC) . The official address for the Maricopa Democratic Party. Is 2910 N.Central Ave. which is about three miles away.
As far as I can tell, 320 W. Lincoln St. Is a generic government building for Maricopa County. Although it does note that the Maricopa County Graphics Department is located at that address, which is rather convenient. The county web page lists about 60 different departments, no mention of graphics although that could be the departments that are public facing. But no jobs are posted at that address currently.
› venue › 510-s-3rd-ave-phoenix-az-85003-2422-united-states
AZ Resist covers Social Justice and Progressive politics across Arizona. Sourced from over 1100 grassroots, Progressive and Democratic organizers.
How is this stickied without verified proof? Why are we promoting a theory before we know it’s fact? This is just lazy
510 South 3rd Ave is listed as the address for the Maricopa Tabulation and Election Center (MCTEC) . The official address for the Maricopa Democratic Party. Is 2910 N.Central Ave. which is about three miles away.
As far as I can tell, 320 W. Lincoln St. Is a generic government building for Maricopa County. Although it does note that the Maricopa County Graphics Department is located at that address, which is rather convenient. The county web page lists about 60 different departments, no mention of graphics although that could be the departments that are public facing. But no jobs are posted at that address currently.
I agree, however I have found that AZ Resist used to reside at 510 S. 3rd Ave.
🌐 510 S 3rd Ave http://azresist.org
› venue › 510-s-3rd-ave-phoenix-az-85003-2422-united-states AZ Resist covers Social Justice and Progressive politics across Arizona. Sourced from over 1100 grassroots, Progressive and Democratic organizers. http://azresist.wordpress.com
This is the former home of AZ Resist