Someone recently said Karen Fanns company got a 400 million dollar government road paving contract. Seems the payoffs were made and they have done everything possible to keep people out this election who could get to the bottom of it. It’s all so obvious it’s pathetic
I live in Prescott-she lives in Chino Valley--16 miles north--she has a barricade-traffic cone business --her ex runs Fann Contracting a big paving company--she chose to keep his name when divorced-at least 10 years ago- She has nothing to do with paving business.
Her and Ken Bennet let down the whole country--I believe they got bought off just when blood was starting to show--have spoken to both many times (before the audit-not since) --The way they quit can't be explained--They are responsible for inflation and shit shape the world is in--they quit on all of us
Someone recently said Karen Fanns company got a 400 million dollar government road paving contract. Seems the payoffs were made and they have done everything possible to keep people out this election who could get to the bottom of it. It’s all so obvious it’s pathetic
I live in Prescott-she lives in Chino Valley--16 miles north--she has a barricade-traffic cone business --her ex runs Fann Contracting a big paving company--she chose to keep his name when divorced-at least 10 years ago- She has nothing to do with paving business. Her and Ken Bennet let down the whole country--I believe they got bought off just when blood was starting to show--have spoken to both many times (before the audit-not since) --The way they quit can't be explained--They are responsible for inflation and shit shape the world is in--they quit on all of us
Thanks for the clarification, when I initially heard that, I was wtf that’s so blatant and even 10% profit is mental money