Those signs are all over every liberal shit hole city and in the yards of NPCs everywhere else. There's more than that one, too. They have other varieties including ones that say "Trans Rights are Human Rights".
We live in the time that Foxworthy foreshadowed 30 years ago, "Here's your sign!" Only thing is, we don't have to hand them out. Virtue signals, the liberal's sign warning you they are fucking idiots.
Those signs are all over every liberal shit hole city and in the yards of NPCs everywhere else. There's more than that one, too. They have other varieties including ones that say "Trans Rights are Human Rights".
These people are fucking wack jobs.
We live in the time that Foxworthy foreshadowed 30 years ago, "Here's your sign!" Only thing is, we don't have to hand them out. Virtue signals, the liberal's sign warning you they are fucking idiots.
They are absolutely insane. imagine posting this sign and feeling good about it.