He did his job and now making a move to retire in Israel. Why Israel? Because Israeli has a law barring extradition of its citizens. In other words you can commit a crime in one nation and then run to Israel without being held accountable.
P.S He received a $1 million Israeli prize for his contributions (as if he wasn't being paid) to health and medicine.
This could be why Israel is last. Working in corporations I observed the phenomenon of how many up and comers who were also incompetent got assigned to Special Projects. It was treated like a big promotion or honor. But if you watched, those projects would just fade away... slowly stripped of importance and support until the entire project was shut down and all associated fired. It's just like the recycle bin, send stuff there as a holding place until you empty the trash all at once. Is this Isreal?
Hmmm..... impressive deduction
I suppose legally it looks like you’re not targeting one person for race or religious reasons by firing he whole department. Pretty smart corporate tactic to throw all the losers into a fake made up project and just can the whole project without dealing with muh “discrimination” …
Lift edge of carpet..... sweep....... sweep ....... sweep