Let’s not forget the Cyber Symposium that flopped. We all know there is cheating in 2020, 2022, and there will be in 2024, and evidence will exist… but we need end results that lead to change, once and for all. Lindell may very well have evidence. I hope he does.
I would say “didn’t he say the same thing in 2020?” But last time I did that I got a 3 day ban for dooming so I’m not gonna say that again!
Let’s not forget the Cyber Symposium that flopped. We all know there is cheating in 2020, 2022, and there will be in 2024, and evidence will exist… but we need end results that lead to change, once and for all. Lindell may very well have evidence. I hope he does.
Depends on what the purpose of the Cympisoum was.
I believe it was a giant honeypot.
Honeypot for what purpose?