Nehemiah 1 point ago +1 / -0

Imagine how insane Dems will become when the poll favors “felon/rapist” 😂😂😂😂

Nehemiah 2 points ago +2 / -0

“Congress on break” is like children running into their room and shouting, “safe, you can’t get me now!” If my 6th grade history teacher can be arrested at school, during class, for not showing up at jury duty, political hacks can be arrested when they’re not at work. GMAFB.

Nehemiah 4 points ago +4 / -0


She scratched her face when she said “being out there, being on the road.” That’s a tell. She’s not looking forward to it. She’s lying.

She’s terrified over what lies ahead. No confidence. She hates nothing more than being forced into the public with her lone brain. If she’s truly campaigning, this will be a nightmare for Kamala.

Nehemiah 5 points ago +5 / -0

Her debate against Joe Biden was easy because she truly hated him for being who he was.

She will have no clue how to debate against Trump. No amount of prep work and teleprompters will protect her for the incoming SLAUGHTER she will experience from President Trump. This will be fucking legendary. 👑

Nehemiah 15 points ago +15 / -0

Michelle Obama would not stand a chance against Trump. It’s too late to categorize anyone as a “secret weapon,” “last chance,” or “final Hail Mary for the DNC.”

It’s just too late. Nothing stops Trump. The end.

Nehemiah 1 point ago +1 / -0

Who could blame them? Biden is gone and Harris is barely coherent and the most hated. Now would be the time for them to do this. Right now.

Nehemiah 1 point ago +1 / -0

It’s one thing to be among the most removed and most far away from the people involved in the incident and their network of families and friends… and have no clue what to base your fake assassination attempt on, but go even further and suggest that the entire FIRE/EMS agencies, the ambulance crews, their vital signs records, EKG machines, (with entire vital signs hx saved), their EMS Charting, handover of care to local trauma center, their staff from nurses to techs to doctors, all their charting, then the continuum of care in the recovery unit, their charting, Rx prescribed, dosages, timing of each dosage given in the Chart, the next level of care at whichever rehab center they go to for physical therapy, their staff, also their charting, then eventual discharge summaries and dr. visits/follow ups; all of that somehow does not exist and/or is faked? And you’re willing to submit that theory to those family members who visited their loved ones during each phase of care on each floor of each facility they are transported to?

Yeah, good luck with that.

Nehemiah 1 point ago +1 / -0

They are transient because they self-resolve, yes. Correct, less severe. No need for thrombolitics.

Nehemiah 2 points ago +2 / -0

Whether this is a psyop or not, Biden is still extremely ill and lost all his support, Harris has been cackling and talking in rhymes for 3 and a half years, and Trump continues rising in support and popularity.

In retrospect nobody needs to or should give a shit if Biden is terminally ill or not. Parkinson’s and dementia are a pretty shitty hand to be dealt but that’s where we are with Biden. And when Trump resumes office in the WH and has served for another 4 years, Biden will be wasting away if not dead by then.

To the theory of “they set us up to grab onto and perpetuate misinformation so Biden ‘appears better than that,’” I say, “who fucking cares???” Just ⚰️ already.

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