I live in Toronto. On the radio today they were talking about who actually brought the nazi flag to the capital. it's all a scam up here everyone knows it.
Which station was that? I was listening to 102.1, and numbnuts does nothing but shill for Trudeau, ask for more $ for Ukraine, push vaccines, and bash whomever the current [orange man] is for the day, week, etc.
Confederate flag is awesome. Never let some anti-american faggot tell you otherwise.
To discredit peaceful protesters.
Bushes = Nazis, Democrats = Southern landowners. Those flags cover it all.
I live in Toronto. On the radio today they were talking about who actually brought the nazi flag to the capital. it's all a scam up here everyone knows it.
Which station was that? I was listening to 102.1, and numbnuts does nothing but shill for Trudeau, ask for more $ for Ukraine, push vaccines, and bash whomever the current [orange man] is for the day, week, etc.
ew bro. AM640. it's all talk. some hosts are shills but theres enough based people that make it tolerable.
but it's canada, so nothing will actually happen. rip.
Sorry guys got the coof i can't come- terdeau
Yup, we all knew it was bullshit. Why the fuck would a Canadian have a liking for the confederate flag? It's not their history.
I am more than tired of these assholes.
The confederates were kind of traitors. The had sold out for the British. There is a lot to the story that has been hidden.
The Russians were more American during the civil war than the confederacy.
They Europeans were getting cheap textiles from the south, from the cheap labor. It wasnt the union that freed slaves it was industry.
I barely remember any of this so its really parsed down. But there is plenty of information out there for one the flesh out the details.
I used to think the rebel flag was cool until i learned this stuff.