That was the one Rachel Maddow got ahold of I think. The kicker to all of this is, Mueller had access to his tax returns. You never heard a peep out of them about it. If there was something, anything to find there, believe me Mueller would've told the world. Most of the left doesn't realize he had access to them. This story was over 5 years ago; but now the precedent has been set. Just in time for the new Congress to take over. That is no coincidence
That was the one Rachel Maddow got ahold of I think. The kicker to all of this is, Mueller had access to his tax returns. You never heard a peep out of them about it. If there was something, anything to find there, believe me Mueller would've told the world. Most of the left doesn't realize he had access to them. This story was over 5 years ago; but now the precedent has been set. Just in time for the new Congress to take over. That is no coincidence