Hello, brothers from Brazil and Arizona, In my morning meditation appeared to me that you should Use this document (share far and wide) as a guideline for civilian pacific action on tactical and strategic planning.
This document was used many times by the CIA and other global operatives to manipulate and topple local small and medium governments all over the world.
Some of these tactics are already being used by some of you but still, you can use some more to your final advantage.
It appears to me that if the number of deaths of innocents is any measure of the success of our use of non-violent means then it is clear that such strategy is beginning to fail in a monumental way.
Is there an antidote for the vaccines?
Not now, and I doubt that one will appear. Does anyone know any different?
More than five billion people have been vaccinated.
What will the consequences be?
Try to imagine the world with five billion (more or less) people dying in the next couple of years.
They won't be buried or cremated. They won't be here to do their jobs; to raise their crops or sail their ships or run their trains and their airlines.
Who will be the consumers of the remaining goods and services?
This has the look of D5 - beginning.
IF - the vaccines turn out to be slow-acting and deadly in a general way for most of those who have been injected then what is going to happen to governance and to nations and politics? It looks like a period of chaos may happen.
For those who remain will there be a Phoenix?
One may hope.
There will be Jesus for those that did not take the mark, and for those that repent to God.