Hello, brothers from Brazil and Arizona, In my morning meditation appeared to me that you should Use this document (share far and wide) as a guideline for civilian pacific action on tactical and strategic planning.
This document was used many times by the CIA and other global operatives to manipulate and topple local small and medium governments all over the world.
Some of these tactics are already being used by some of you but still, you can use some more to your final advantage.
Well, I do know one thing, and is that the bad guys are using all assets, tactics, and ops and their disposal and the good guys are mostly playing the slow psyop long haul game. So I would again recommend using all of these tactics just as I did with our fellow anons in Australia, New Zealand, England, France, and Germany who did use these methods/tactics and were able to push back somewhat effectively against them. Please do help yourself to this reading AGAIN and make it go viral.