Everyone should agree on one thing -- someone with a ton of money using that money to determine what YOU are allowed to say is morally wrong.
Both sides of the aisle should find common ground on that. It's the foundation of the 1st Amendment to agree that people in a position of power shouldn't have the ability to silence those they disagree with. We call such people tyrants, and this nation was founded on spilling the blood of tyrants.
So, why focus on the minor details of any argument? Why use their terms and buzzwords only to fall into failed arguments that always lead to division and disagreement? These conversations have already been curated...
Focus on the ROOT of this Evil -- the MONEY! The POWER!
One such example:
The Trans/Gender Debate.
Don't argue morals. Don't argue psychology. Don't argue medicine and biology. Don't argue feelings.
Argue about the MONEY. Argue about how it puts them in POWER to change the common tongue; to change the way we speak.
The entire discussion between Gender vs Sex and the Trans junk science is a MARKETING CAMPAIGN. Period. You don't have to jump into any other discussion than what matters.
It's a bandwagon, just like every other bandwagon and sleazy trend that comes and goes. Except this one is the golden goose. This one involves the biggest money-crazed fiends in the business of business. This is the one that continues to reap rewards even after the trend dies, because it guarantees they MUST come back because of how devastating the changes have been to their health.
Big Pharma sees a way to sell something, simple as that. They have doctors, psychologists, media personalities, merchandise, school teachers, etc. all jumping at the bit to explain to you why we need to FORCE their drugs and medical procedures on you and our youth.
They want the money. They want the power. They want you and your children forever sucking on the teet of their hormone therapies and paying for revisions to the forearm flesh or colon sleeve you grafted on to your crotch that is perpetually rotting.
They want you coming back for the cancer these drugs and procedures will inevitably cause.
They want you to buy their rainbow and pink and blue flags. They want you to buy their bumper stickers and t-shirts. They want you to be a walking billboard shipping their goods.
They want THEIR words coming out of YOUR MOUTH.
Because that's free advertisement. That's Propaganda.
But it all comes back to the MONEY and POWER!
They don't give a rats ass about feelings, the suicide rates, or anything else. They just want to be the one to offer solutions to problems that didn't exist until their marketing campaign said they existed.
So, I'll say it again, don't fall into the trap of arguing anything else other than the FACT that the ones with the most to gain off the Money Tree which is the Gender/Trans "movement" are currently the ones making the most gains off the "movement." That should tell you everything you need to know about the true sincerity of their "but think of the children" rhetoric.
If you really want to get some of these liberals going, say you don't agree with the transitioning of children because it's the white male supremacy which is behind it.
That'll make their heads spin.
Explain that marketing campaigns are the modern form of colonial, white imperialism; that convincing the masses to follow lock-step with a narrative designed by huge bandwagons is always the motif of white, male supremacists and oppressors.
Specifically a small group of white supremacists who view everyone as beneath them. Let's just call them the WEF for now.
Say that anything and everything you see on TV has been curated by these white, male supremacists to get you to buy their bill of goods. Explain that slavery never ended, it just disguised itself as fascist-corporatism that's using Communism and Marxism as a trendy bandwagon to corral people into bondage through debt-slavery and a "universal" currency like in the days of "the company store."
Use their own brain-washing and unfounded hatred against them.
That'll get them thinking...