posted ago by TruthSocialQ ago by TruthSocialQ +35 / -0

This was my first thought when I thought watched the documentary. It's something that I have been worrying about a lot since I am also making a covid vaccine documentary.

It appears that COVID vaccinated people are having 73% more heart attacks than unvaccinated and when you combine that with the weird blood clots, this causes me to worry. https://expose-news.com/2022/05/17/covid-jabs-increase-risk-heart-attack-death-young-adults/

Died suddenly is the scariest documentary that I have ever seen. It's not a documentary about a small negative event in the past, it's a documentary about how billions of people are going to die.

I believe it's the best documentary about why COVID vaccines are bad because they are bioweapons, but everyone who wanted COVID vaccines already got them, and this documentary is 100% fear with no solutions.

That's the problem with COVID vaccines documentaries right now. I have watched about 7 of them. Only one provided solutions for healing and it was very confusing.

I don't know who Stew Peter's really is and this documentary doesn't build upon his previous COVID documentary about snake venom. Yes this documentary doesn't contradict the previous documentary about venom, but if you are so confident that snake venom is in the vaccines then why wouldn't they even touch upon the question of how snake venom could be causing weird rubbery blood clots.

My documentary will be free and it will provide the best healing solutions. In my mind why would you scare COVID vaxxers to death and then not provide any solution for their problem, not even a guess or a ray of hope.

This is an honest post. I genuinely worry that documentarys like this could cause stress or fear which could be the last straw that activates myocarditis symptoms or heart attacks. Is their a knowledgeable anon doctor in these forums? Google basically just said fear and stress could trigger heart attacks. I'm not sure if Google is downplaying this or exaggerating how much damage fear can cause.

If you guys genuinely think it's fine, and that watching scary documentaries about how they are going to die isn't going to accelerate or trigger their deaths, I would like to know so that my documentary takes that into account.

The only reason for writing this is so that I can figure out what is the safest way to wake up and save COVID vaxxers. I'm just worried that COVID vaccines were designed to harm people to the point where even telling them how harmed they are could activate their die-off. Its a theory that I haven't heard before, but it keeps me up late at night. In theory, it's possible.