I'm not sure where they're getting the data, but it has been that way for over a year both in the US and in Europe. This is how we came to know that the vaccine doesn't stop people from getting the disease or transmitting it. The difference in the US was that the CDC redefined "breakthrough" infections to not exist with the COVID vaccines in order to maintain the narrative that the vaccines were "safe and effective." The CDC has rewritten the methodology for generating the COVID epidemiological surveillance data so much that it couldn't be properly compared with other databases from past diseases. It's a mangled, fraudulent mess because that's what our "betters" felt was necessary to maintain the "safe and effective" illusion.
Anyway, now that WashPo is finally dropping the pretense, maybe we can get some of these Leftist lunatics who consider adhering to the narrative to be part of their identity to look at some data and wise up.
I'm not sure where they're getting the data, but it has been that way for over a year both in the US and in Europe. This is how we came to know that the vaccine doesn't stop people from getting the disease or transmitting it. The difference in the US was that the CDC redefined "breakthrough" infections to not exist with the COVID vaccines in order to maintain the narrative that the vaccines were "safe and effective." The CDC has rewritten the methodology for generating the COVID epidemiological surveillance data so much that it couldn't be properly compared with other databases from past diseases. It's a mangled, fraudulent mess because that's what our "betters" felt was necessary to maintain the "safe and effective" illusion.
Anyway, now that WashPo is finally dropping the pretense, maybe we can get some of these Leftist lunatics who consider adhering to the narrative to be part of their identity to look at some data and wise up.