I didn't write this, but saw it and thought it was powerful. I had to share it with my brilliant warrior frens here. God Bless you all; I couldn't deal with this insane world without you and my Lord and Savior Jesus Christ.
Wishing you and yours a most blessed Thanksgiving.
"Make no mistake about it, there is and has been an information war being waged across this realm. It is in its escalation phase at this stage.
Part of why humanity has been sleepwalking in a miopic, comatose state of oblivion is due to the fact that they have been multigenerationally deceived and lied to, by a select few bloodlines who have highly vested interests in keeping the masses ignorant of their true potential and power.
When one truly begins to break free from this non stop indoctrination and herding system, they begin to see that nothing in this world from a societal standpoint is as they were told it was.
Nearly everything has been inverted. Most true history hidden.
What we actually are, and are capable of, deliberately ignored and misdirected away from.
Schooling, media, entertainment - rife with programming and symbology to keep us in lockstep obedience with a soul-stifling system of conformity.
Nearly ALL mainstream avenues of information controlled by these select few, generation after generation.
Controlling what the masses see, controlling their belief systems, their behavioral patterns, their sense of what is "normal" and acceptable.
But if one is determined enough, if ones fire in their mind, heart and spirit cannot be extinguished nor bullied into this subservient, non questioning acceptance of subsistence, then the information beyond these channels can be found.
One must listen to their intuition beyond the droning noise and hypnotizing frequencies of this place in order to be guided to the truly empowering data.
Question everything that is easily accessible in this place. Dig for the treasure. Run it through the filter of your souls microscope. FEEL into each subject. Trust the feeling you get.
In this era, your soul and it's maker are far and away your greatest allies. Seek their counsel often and let them guide you to what is to you and your circles highest benefit and potential.
When you come across certain subjects that hit you with goosebumps everywhere, or a feeling of excitement or exhilaration, this is a cue from your soul that you are learning things this system is desperate to keep you away from.
Keep on this path, regardless of ridicule or ostracization. Be it from society, or even family.
You are not here to be a cog in the machine anymore. You are here to break this cycle once and for all.
Seek the deeper secrets of all that has been hidden from you. Never stop. You cannot be controlled once see how the game has been rigged, and remember who you are and where you come from, along with all ancestors who preceded you."
Saw it on Facebook.
OK, thanks.