I tried to tell my family about how dangerous the covid shot is.
They don't believe me. That our government and healthcare is committing genocide. They don't want to know. I don't know what to do or how else to tell them. For me it's life and death, I want to save them from killing themselves with this vaccine. they won't see what I show them. Whenever I send them links their response is always the same "stop sending me that crap", and tell me how misinformed I am.. I want to yell at them, but at the same time I have to hold my breath and be mature about it. Anyone else feel totally alienated like me?
EDIT: thank you all so much for the great responses!
People have made their bed. Look within and work on yourself. You can’t force people what to do.
What you can do is work on yourself. For one day a manhunt may start to hang all the criminals that are complicit to crimes against humanity. And hope you’ve prepared well enough to take part in a manhunt.
I like the cut of your jib.