Gematria is rubbish. You can convert words into numbers, but the reverse is make believe. Thousands of choices, and these people choose the "meaningful" ones. And there are gullible people who believe it.
It's similar to the "Bible Code" where you take the original text of the Bible, print it in columns, and find "messages" by skipping so many letters and picking letters to spell things. You can actually do the very same thing with any long text. I corresponded with the Amazing Randi about this many years ago. I took a chapter of "Moby Dick," put it in WordPerfect, deleted all the spaces and punctuation, capitalized all the letters, and created a huge rectangle out of the text. I found all kinds of words and "messages." Randi agreed with my findings.
Gematria is rubbish. You can convert words into numbers, but the reverse is make believe. Thousands of choices, and these people choose the "meaningful" ones. And there are gullible people who believe it.
It's similar to the "Bible Code" where you take the original text of the Bible, print it in columns, and find "messages" by skipping so many letters and picking letters to spell things. You can actually do the very same thing with any long text. I corresponded with the Amazing Randi about this many years ago. I took a chapter of "Moby Dick," put it in WordPerfect, deleted all the spaces and punctuation, capitalized all the letters, and created a huge rectangle out of the text. I found all kinds of words and "messages." Randi agreed with my findings.