I've seen alot of speculation here (for years) along the lines of 'we're just waiting for the signal' - whether its a national/global blackout with EBS, the storm tweet or even just verbally from Trump etc. It is my view that this is only setting yourself up for disappointment. I admit I used to engage with it, hyping myself up when it looked like multiple things were converging and perhaps a notable q delta was looming - but if there's ONE thing (and thats probably optimistic) i have learned from the last 3 years it's that this plan is far larger in scale than many of us ever imagined. It is not simply about clearing out bad actors and letting life go on without white collar criminals dictating our every move - the system we live in was designed from the ground up by these people. It seems to me that by the end of this unfathomable puppet show of waking-people-up that the system won't be clean - it won't exist at all.
Now that's not to say that there won't be measures in place to soften the landing from our current society into complete uncontrolled chaos, but essentially what i'm getting at is that it won't be that one day we just wake up and 'the storm is upon us' is plastered all over twitter or a news broadcast will pop up mid tv-hour and expose everything. We must get to the point where you cannot wake up, put on your clothes, drive to work and return home in time for dinner; there must be no visible way for the average joe to just put his blinkers on and keep trudging on. Because the change does have to come from the ground up; if ALL PEOPLE (95%+ majority) don't want to change the path into our collective future then it is not the 'heroic white hats' job to overrule that. Right now, society is twisted and degenerate and so on, but most people are ultimately content to keep living.
It is only once we see the gears grind to a halt, and it will be blindingly obvious when that happens, that i imagine any kind of stepping out from behind the curtain will happen on the part of the military/q etc.
Anyway, just my thoughts and i woke up with a headcold so they may be scrambled, lmao. Bear with me
we may well yet hear something to that effect- but only when we truly need it. not want it. but i hear you