“You’re Just a F*cking Moron Who Doesn’t Know Sh*t from Clay” – Popular Radio Host Who Consistently Attacks Anti-Vaxxers will Take Hiatus until 2023 After Heart Attack
Die, Felicia 🤣
"Imagine almost exiting from a heart attack only to have anti-vaxxers come for you… blaming vaccines. Seriously go and get f*cked,” he wrote"
He still doesn't get it.
Really, I have no idea whatsoever these people will do once it becomes official that the Vax is poison.
cognitive dissonance. some people exist, not to be saved or awakened, but to remind us why we're fighting.
It won’t matter what the evidence is. These rabid conformists are beyond help. Put them in the “iT cOuLd hAVe bEeN wOrSe” basket.