Probably true, and also doesn't matter at all. AI becoming human-like (or trying to) is a common misconception.
Also, lack of consciousness is not as much of a problem as you might assume. Because how would you know? How do you know if a person you're interacting with is actually conscious, or just a total NPC functioning on autopilot? You don't. You're just assuming that since you're a human and you're conscious and they're also a human therefore they must be conscious too... but is it really the case? Once AI NPCs are as good or better than human NPCs, we won't really be able to tell the difference.
AI has as much chance of attaining human-like consciousness as "Caitlyn" Jenner has of becoming a woman.
Probably true, and also doesn't matter at all. AI becoming human-like (or trying to) is a common misconception.
Also, lack of consciousness is not as much of a problem as you might assume. Because how would you know? How do you know if a person you're interacting with is actually conscious, or just a total NPC functioning on autopilot? You don't. You're just assuming that since you're a human and you're conscious and they're also a human therefore they must be conscious too... but is it really the case? Once AI NPCs are as good or better than human NPCs, we won't really be able to tell the difference.