The Great Apostasy established man modified "religion" for what we have seen for the last 2 millenia. All men are flawed with varying degrees of ego and they end up being evil to the core-the Inquisition for example. Nowadays, it is the 'feelgood' pastors that spread the message of crass humanisms-BUT, DO follow the money (yes even the fiat dollar is attractive to the "elite"). When the commandments of God the Father are ignored by the hard hearted, chaos reigns supreme in the land; when the commandments are obeyed, harmony resolves conflict. So sayeth the Lord, Amen.
If you are calling for the pyschopath alien yahweh in the Bible and his commandments to be obeyed ..then you should educate yourself.
Who told you man was rotten to the core..judge not that you may be judged also ..isn't that in the book you quote?
Who do you call god the father? The father??? Like priests are father's?? Treating humanity like children to be treated as evil to the core...dear. me..I don't see a god of love compassion and understanding here..just the psychopath yahweh who passed the first born child through the fire so they would know I am the lord and fear me
It seems your heart has hardened so much by a lack of belief, you rage against the good with the words of the adversary. We are ALL children of God the Father-priests and cardinals have usurped the title "father".. you are a lapsed catholic, perhaps???
You don't know me at arrogant to assume I rage with the words of the adversary? You talk about the mythical satan here are you? Or Yahwehs rage very evident in the Bible with his putting babies to death as well as every living thing when he captured countries and territories...
My heart is hardened??? Look to yourself and your own's my job to look after mine..not anyone else's job.
You should read a book on obviously have no idea how to mind your own business and stop condemning others when you know nothing about them.
The Great Apostasy established man modified "religion" for what we have seen for the last 2 millenia. All men are flawed with varying degrees of ego and they end up being evil to the core-the Inquisition for example. Nowadays, it is the 'feelgood' pastors that spread the message of crass humanisms-BUT, DO follow the money (yes even the fiat dollar is attractive to the "elite"). When the commandments of God the Father are ignored by the hard hearted, chaos reigns supreme in the land; when the commandments are obeyed, harmony resolves conflict. So sayeth the Lord, Amen.
If you are calling for the pyschopath alien yahweh in the Bible and his commandments to be obeyed ..then you should educate yourself.
Who told you man was rotten to the core..judge not that you may be judged also ..isn't that in the book you quote?
Who do you call god the father? The father??? Like priests are father's?? Treating humanity like children to be treated as evil to the core...dear. me..I don't see a god of love compassion and understanding here..just the psychopath yahweh who passed the first born child through the fire so they would know I am the lord and fear me is that for ego and rotten to the core?
It seems your heart has hardened so much by a lack of belief, you rage against the good with the words of the adversary. We are ALL children of God the Father-priests and cardinals have usurped the title "father".. you are a lapsed catholic, perhaps???
You don't know me at arrogant to assume I rage with the words of the adversary? You talk about the mythical satan here are you? Or Yahwehs rage very evident in the Bible with his putting babies to death as well as every living thing when he captured countries and territories...
My heart is hardened??? Look to yourself and your own's my job to look after mine..not anyone else's job.
You should read a book on obviously have no idea how to mind your own business and stop condemning others when you know nothing about them.
Of course I don't know you and I kick the dirt off my feet as I leave you...