Washington Post Describes Play About Pedophiles "Brilliant"
The Washington Post recently wrote a lengthy piece about “Downstate” a play about pedophiles. In the article, the play about pedophiles is described as “brilliant”. The plotline in Downstate is about how pedophiles are treated inhumanely and in harsh ways...
I think my review of this play I'd never watch would be based on what happens to the kiddie diddlers at the end.
WaPo is the place where Pedo Journalist go to write propaganda trash.
Pedo sentences should begin with them in stocks in the public square like the old days. Place them there naked so if somebody wants to shove a stick up their as they have easy access. Then place them back in the stocks for their probation period to remind everybody who the local Kifukker is on the way back into society. Either that or just capital punishment. I'm good with either.
If the newspaper was able to give an honest total of what stories they printed vs what was read. It would be a comfort at times I'm sure.
With the exception of an 18 year old dating a 17 year old (or similar ages so close in proximity to each other), anyone who gets Sex Offender slapped onto their criminal record SHOULD be viewed as vile scum.
There is no love between a child and grown adult other than a parent to a child. Children will say or do whatever you want. To take advantage of that is sad and disgusting.