Ever since Q's latest "Ascension" post I'm going through that with my third eye right now. That's the best way I can describe it.
I've got the spasms and jitters, thoughts are coming and going so fast I feel like I'm gonna puke, my heart is racing, and I keep having big "revelations" about how the physical world is stitched together, in both a literal and figurative sense. I'm physically sick because I don't have any way to write it all down or tell anyone what I see in my head. It's like language fails me and I get super bummed knowing there's no way to just show people what I see as clearly as the nose in front of my face. I wanna just clutch my head and scream, to be honest with you.
It's really frustrating...
I get this way sporadically, mind you. I gots the narcolepsy real bad, and sometimes I manage to dream while I'm awake. I don't get full-blown hallucinations, but things get surreal, I "see people's real faces" when I look at them like I've never seen them before and can't recognize family members, and every dream I've had suddenly becomes accessible to call upon.
Let me explain that last part.
You know how you can't ever really remember a dream? Well, sometimes you can, but they sorta just fade away after a while and you gotta write them down before they get lost?
Yeah, sometimes that "barrier" between my real memories and dream memories just takes a vacation and I can call on dream memories like normal memories. I sometimes have to audit my memories to remind myself certain dream events didn't really happen. It is not a comfortable experience.
Well, I'm going through that right now and it's not letting up. I don't know if White Hats fired up some sorta new-age machine or turned off the Cabal's suppression machines a-la Era of Light crazy theories, but something is going on right now where I can't turn off the dream state.
I figure the timing with the Q post, something is going on. Maybe it's just me. I know I'm crazy, but sometimes this brand of crazy lends itself to some seriously spiritual revelations, so I can't exactly say it's a bad thing.
Anyone else feelin' it right now?
Is this the "Awakening" part of the show? Maybe I'm just having an episode unrelated to everything else? Don't know for sure, but things sure do feel trippy right now.
Totally can relate.